WebAssembly Note Taking Application written in Golang
A WebAssembly application for note taking. Written in pure Golang compiled to WebAssembly.
- Checkbox notes
- Text only notes
- Add and remove items as needed
- Offline functionality
- Multi user (share a note with other users)
- Single Page App
Built with Golang
Very little JavaScript (about 60 lines of custome JavaScript)
No need for a app store
Runs on iPhone and Androud
Runs on any desktop and laptop
WebAssembly, although experimental now, will be the way mobile applications are built in the future. Although you can write WebAssembly code in many languages, I chose Golang for this application. WebAssembly allows you to eliminate most of the JavaScript needed with most SPA’s.
WebAssemby can be a complete replacement for JavaScript Frameworks like Angular and React. By eliminating the JavaScript, you can build a faster application. Instead of writing JavaScript, you can build a WebAssembly app in your language of choice.